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Writer's pictureJulie Lumos

How to make the most of your tarot reading?

Tarot Cards - Rider Waite Smith
Photo by Angelus Agendi

You've booked a Tarot reading and now you're ready for your session. Here's what you need to know: Tarot is not just about predicting the future — it’s a powerful tool for gaining insights, understanding your present circumstances, and making empowered choices. You should also know that Tarot is a powerful guide but it won't hand you all the answers. It won't define who you are or who you’re meant to become — that choice is yours alone!

 Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your tarot reading.

*Note that it can come in handy to have a pen and paper with you to jot down any key information during the reading – you can also ask if the reader is comfortable with recording the session.

Tarot Isn't Science – It's Divination. A Tarot reading is an esoteric experience. Tarot readers are skilled practitioners who use the cards as a tool to connect with their intuition, provide meaningful interpretations and convey messages that go beyond what you see or hear. It takes years of learning, practice, and dedication to read tarot effectively.

If you wish to know more about Tarot, you can read my blog post:


Be on Time You need to know that a Tarot reading is like a gathering with the invisible realm; by setting up a date and a time with a reader you are also inviting your Spirit guides and maybe your Deceased Loved ones for you to receive messages. We should be all grateful for this type of experience. So arrive on time and don’t let them waiting.


Be open-minded You don’t need to believe blindly, but if you come to "prove the reader wrong," you're wasting everyone’s time — yours, the reader’s, and the Spirit Guides’. The more open you are, the clearer the messages. Don’t expect the reader to force their way in if you’ve already locked the door. Tarot is about guidance, not guarantees. Also, Tarot readings can be triggering, so approaching the reading with an open mind will help you receive the message instead of denying or resisting it.


Think About Your Questions in Advance While it’s not mandatory, thinking in advance about the questions you want to ask can make your tarot reading more focused and insightful. Consider the topics or concerns that have been on your mind, whether they are existential questions or more practical matters. Tarot can give you clarity on matters big and small.

A tarot reading is the perfect opportunity to explore those lingering questions you’ve always wondered about. For example, “Do I have the potential to become a singer?” or “Is there a path for me to pursue my passion?” or “How can I reconcile with my life after so much suffering?”...etc. Tarot can provide clarity on personal, meaningful questions.


Don’t Be Afraid to Ask What’s on Your Mind. Got a burning question? Ask it. Don’t hold back or pretend you don’t have a question or that you're just curious. Tarot readers are used to all sorts of questions — it’s their job. So make the most of this moment, don’t wait for the answer to come by itself because it may never come, and it won't be the reader's fault. So, if you want to know if you’re finally going to meet the love of your life, or if X is in love with you, ask the question.

Explore Questions Involving External Factors: Tarot is particularly useful for questions involving external factors beyond your control, such as “Will my new roommate enjoy living with me?” or “Will my boss offer me a raise?” or “Is traveling to X country a good option or would Y country be best for me this year?”.

While we often try to make smart decisions to our best of our abilities, certain aspects of our lives are influenced by forces outside of us. Tarot serves as a powerful guide, offering insights into these uncertainties and helping you understand the potential consequences of your choices.

Clarify Decision-Making: If you’re at a crossroads, tarot can provide guidance on the best path to take. For example, “Which job offer aligns best with my goals?”, “Should I close the door to this relationship or should I keep trying?”…etc.


It's Okay If You Don’t Have Specific Questions! If you don’t have specific questions, that's okay. Ask for a message from Spirit and trust that whatever comes up is what you need to hear. It could be a nudge towards shadow work or just the encouragement you didn't know you needed or something else.

Create a Comfortable Space for Your Reading

If it’s an online reading, ensure you have a quiet, comfortable environment for your reading and that you will not be interrupted. Please don’t answer your phone during a reading, put it on airplane mode. If it’s an online reading and you’re at home, why not create a relaxing ambiance with candles, incense and herbal tea? Being in a warm and calm space will help you be more receptive.

Hard Truths

Tarot is a guiding tool and it can definitely tell you things you may not want to hear and it can become uncomfortable. If you’re not ready to face a truth, don’t ask the question. Listen to yourself, it’s completely normal to not always be able to face a certain truth. Respect yourself.

Reflect on the Reading After Take some time to think about what was said. Some messages only make sense later, and that's part of the process. Tarot isn't about giving you all the answers on a silver platter — some things you have to figure out on your own. And if you still have questions or didn’t understand something, ask the reader.

Final Thoughts

A tarot reading is a versatile tool that goes beyond predicting the future. It’s an opportunity to explore deep questions, gain clarity on your current situation or understand external factors beyond your control. It’s here to help you navigate the turbulent waters of life. Sometimes it’s also about hard truths so it can be uncomfortable. Whether you come prepared with specific questions or simply seek a general message, tarot can provide valuable guidance and support. Approach your reading with openness and trust in the process.

If you're ready to explore, book a session with me and see where the cards take you.

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